Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Baked Eggs Wrapped in Ham with Feta

Baked Eggs Wrapped in Ham

To me, brunch is meal that MUST include eggs, toast, and something sweet (fruit doesn’t count).  This egg dish is simple, elegant, and truly delicious.  I experimented using various meats as the base and the best was thinly sliced deli ham—definitely not what I was expecting.  I also tried pancetta and prosciutto.  Both meats shriveled up too much even though I used a very generous amount.  The mistake was quite tasty to snack on while I made the rest of this dish!  The eggs came right from the farmer’s market this afternoon.  The yolks are an incredible shade of orange and the taste is incomparable.  I added a bit of Feta cheese and a sprinkle of parsley—Amazing and easy!  Tomorrow I will add a post about the sinful peach blackberry upside down coffee cake I made. It just came out of the oven and is cooling on the counter.  Together, these dishes are the perfect brunch with some fresh fruit and steaming hot coffee.

Eggs in a Cup
For each serving, do the following:

Line muffin tins with a slice of deli ham.  I used imported Polish Ham.  Make the piece stick up above the rim of tin.

Bake on 400 until the ham is brown on the edges and firmly in the shape of the tin.  Remove from oven and cool for 10 minutes (or longer).

Into each ham lined tin drop an egg.  Add salt and pepper.  Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes—the egg will still be soft and runny.  Remove from oven and carefully remove each egg/ham from tin and place on plate.  Sprinkle with Feta cheese and fresh parsley.  Make yourself a slice of crusty toast and enjoy!

I am currently working on a few posts but I would really like to know what you want to read about!  Please drop me a note so I can make the things you want to see and make yourself.


Eggs from the Farmer's Market


  1. Can't wait to come home!

  2. Everything you've ever served has been delicious! It's not just the prep, the presentation, or the delivery that makes the meal. It's the passion and love that goes with it. And the conversation adds to the delightful experience.

    1. Hi Sheila! Thanks for your support...It's so nice to hear from you! Is there anything you would like me to post about? We have shared more than a few meals together :-)

  3. The food has always been amazing! What I'm wondering is how you are able to entertain one to one hundred and have the uncanny ability to make it appear seamless. I've been your guest for many years and you've always been able to do it. What's your secret to successful entertaining?
