Sunday, August 30, 2020

Meatless Monday

Meatless Monday

Grilled Summer Vegetables

What could be more simple than grilled vegetables and fresh bread for dinner?  This is a no recipe recipe!  

1-2 small zucchini
1-2 small summer squash  
1 medium eggplant                 
1-2 large tomatoes
2 large red peppers
1 large sweet onion
1-2 ears of corn, lightly steamed and kernels scraped off
a bunch of basil
a few sprigs of rosemary
olive oil
1/4 cup Romano cheese
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder

  1. Slice zucchini and summer squash vertically into 1/2" slices (if using a small one you will probably get 3 slices per squash)
  2. Cut eggplant into 1/2 slices, put slices into a colander and toss with 1/2 tsp salt.  Let drain for 15 minutes.
  3. Cut peppers and onions into large wedges.
  4. Cut tomato in half on its equator
  5. Husk corn and steam or boil until barely done (1 minute after it comes to a boil)
  6. Coat all vegetables with olive oil (generous amount)
  7. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and garlic powder, and chopped rosemary.
  8. Grill all vegetables until charred.  When grilling the tomato, begin with cut side down so some of the juice drains away.
  9. Remove from grill and cool slightly.
  10. Roughly chop all vegetables and toss with more olive oil, basil, romano cheese and corn kernels.
  11. Delicious served with a fresh baguette or grilled bread.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Lemon Cake with Citrus Curd

 What's Happening in My Kitchen This Week?

Anne's Lemon Cake with Citrus Curd

In the summer, a traditional cake with frosting feels too rich and heavy to me.  This lemon cake is very light and airy.  Adding blueberries makes it colorful and delicious.  The  citrus curd is a jar of sunshine!  The curd lasts for weeks in the refrigerator and can be used for many things-including eating right out of the jar...I might have done that a few times.

Lemon Cake

Adapted from original recipe by Dorie Greenspan


Butter for greasing the pan

1 cup (204 grams) all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
6 large eggs, separated, room temperature
1 cup (300 grams) sugar
Finely grated zest of 2 lemons
1/2 cup (120 milliliters) neutral oil, like
Juice of 1 lemon (2 to 3 tablespoons)
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon pure lemon extract or oil
1 1/2 cups (about 250 grams)
blueberries, raspberries and/or
blackberries (optional)


Step 1

Center a rack in the oven, and heat it to 350. Generously butter a 10-

inch tube pan (or use a Bundt pan with minimal crannies), dust the

interior with flour and tap out the excess. 

Step 2

Whisk together the flour, baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon of the salt;

set aside.

Step 3

Using a mixer with a whisk attachment, beat the egg whites and the

remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt on medium-high speed until they form

firm, glossy peaks. (If you’re using a stand mixer, scrape the whites

into another bowl. No need to rinse the mixer bowl.)

Step 4

Fit the mixer with the paddle attachment. Put the sugar and lemon

zest in the mixer/mixing bowl, and rub them together until the

mixture is fragrant. Add the yolks, and beat on medium speed for 3

minutes, scraping the bowl as needed — the batter will be thick, pale

and shiny. With the mixer on medium, pour in the oil and continue to

beat for another 3 minutes. Mix in the lemon juice, vanilla and lemon

oil, if using, then scrape the bowl well. Turn off the mixer, add the dry

ingredients and pulse the mixer a few times to start incorporating

them. Work on low until the flour is blended into the batter, which

will be smooth and thick.

Step 5

Beat the whites briskly with a whisk (to restiffen them and incorporate

any liquid in the bowl), and scrape a few spoonfuls over the batter.

Use a flexible spatula to stir them in and lighten the batter. Turn the

rest of the whites into the bowl, and fold them in gingerly. If you’re

using the berries, gently fold them in just before the whites are fully

incorporated. Scrape the batter into the pan, and level the top.

Step 6

Bake the cake for 45 to 50 minutes, until lightly browned; a tester

inserted deep into the cake should come out clean. Transfer to a rack,

and wait 5 minutes. Run a blunt knife around the edges of the pan to

loosen the cake (if possible — it’s not easy with a Bundt), invert onto

the rack and unmold. Cool to room temperature. Dust with

confectioners’ sugar, if you like.

Citrus Curd Made in a  Food Processor

Citrus curd is a thick, slightly tart, pudding like spread that is often served with scones.  However, it is absolutely yummy on many things like yogurt, plain cake, fresh fruit...out of the jar eaten with a spoon. Making it a food processor is a game changer-it speeds everything up.



Makes about 1 cup               


3-4 lemons

1 orange

1/2 - 3/4 cup sugar

1 stick of butter

5 large egg yolks

1/4 tsp salt

Equipment needed:

zester or vegetable peeler

food processor


heavy sauce pan

Instant read or candy thermometer.

mesh strainer


  1. Peel citrus fruit with a vegetable peeler, zester, or rasp.  Take only the colored part of the peel because the white is very bitter.
  2. Juice the fruit-you should have about 1/2 cup.  A little more will not hurt the recipe.
  3. Mix everything in the food processor-begin with peel and sugar.  Mix until the mixture looks like wet sand and it smells amazing. Add the other ingredients.  Mix on high for about 15 seconds.  The mixture may look curdled-this is normal.
  4. Pour the mixture into a small heavy sauce pan and heat on low.  This needs your constant attention.  Whisk and stir until curd begins to thicken (12-15 minutes or 170 F on thermometer).  You can also test for doneness by coating a spoon then run your finger across it.  There should be a distinct path.
  5. Immediately pour the curd through a mesh strainer set over a bowl. Press gently on the solids.
  6. Allow to cool to room temperature then put into a jar and refrigerate.  It will last for weeks in the refrigerator.
  7. The curd can also be frozen.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Blueberry Slab Pie

What's Happening in My Kitchen This Week?

Anne's Blueberry Slab Pie

Slab pie? What is a slab pie? It is a pie that is made on a rimmed baking sheet instead of a pie plate.  The result is a very thin, tart like dessert that is flaky and never soggy.  A lattice top allows steam to escape while cooking so the filling thickens.  This recipe works for all fruit pies. Join me in the kitchen!

A slice of heaven

Ingredients for Pie Crust:
Makes 2 generous 9" crusts.  Crust may be frozen between sheets of parchment once rolled out.
1 cup unsalted butter--very cold

1 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1/2- 3/4 cup ice water or more if too dry


  1. Cut the butter into very small cubes
  2. Mix butter and flour and salt until it is in pea sized clumps ( I cut the butter in with a pastry cutter.  You can also use two butter knives.
  3. Add 1/4 cup water and mix; then add water a tablespoon at a time until mixture just begins to form a shaggy ball.
  4. Gently knead a few times to bring the dough together
  5. Press into a disk and fold in thirds-like folding an envelope. Each time turn a quarter turn so you are folding opposite sides. Do this 4-5 times.  You are creating layers that add to the flakiness of the dough.
  6. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour.
  7. Cut dough in half and roll one piece out into a 10"-12" circle.
  8. Transfer to a parchment lined baking tray.
  9. Add filling

Filling Ingredients
2 quarts blueberries
3/4 cup sugar
2 Tbsp cornstarch
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon

Ready to go into the oven

Lattice top:
  1. Roll out other half of dough into 10'-12' circle
  2. Cut the dough in 1" strips and create the lattice by laying the strips across each other on top of the filling.  You can weave them or just lay them on top of each other. 
  3. The key to this pie is sealing the bottom crust to the top layer by rolling the overhang of the bottom and top then crimping to make the edge.  The higher the edge, the less filling will ooze out.  The picture below has a lot of oozing!
  4. Brush to top with a slightly beaten egg white and sprinkle with coarse sugar (optional)
  5. Bake at 375 F for 30 minutes.  If the top is getting brown before the filling is bubbling, cover with parchment or foil.

The finished slab pie






Thursday, July 30, 2020

Four Recipes: Homemade is better

What's Happening in My Kitchen This Week?
There are several recipes I make on a regular basis and they are staples in my kitchen. Today,  I am going to share four recipes with you.  Each one is so much better than anything you can buy at the store and the recipe makes a lot so you will not have to make it very often. Today, I am going to show you how to make plain Greek yogurt, granola, vinaigrette, and salsa.  Join me in the kitchen!

Anne's Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt

yield: ~2-21/2 quarts  prep time: ~1  hour, plus 12 hours to ferment 

I could not live without jars of thick, tangy, plain yogurt lined up in the refrigerator.  The yogurt lasts for weeks and it is great for breakfast, as a topping for tacos, in marinades, and as a dip for raw veggies. To make it, you only need 2 ingredients, a heavy pan with a very flat bottom, a thermometer, and a heating pad. Here is the recipe:
1 gallon whole milk that is not super pasteurized
1 cup plain yogurt to use as the starter (Fage is the brand I use)
In a heavy pan heat milk to 200 degrees F.  Use a candy or instant-read thermometer.  Remove from heat and let it cool to 100 degrees F.  Loosen 1 cup yogurt with a bit of the warm milk, then whisk it into the pot of milk.  Set the pot on top of a heating pad set on low.  Let it sit, undisturbed for at least 12 hours—I prefer the tang that develops with closer to 18 hours.  Strain the yogurt through a lined colander.  I use an old linen towel that I secure with an elastic band around the outside of the colander.  Place the colander into a large bowl and pour in the yogurt.  Refrigerate for a few hours.  The whey will separate and be in the bottom of the bowl.  You do not need this for the yogurt but it can be used to water your flowers outside. Put the strained yogurt into a bowl and whisk until smooth.  I store it in large mason jars in the refrigerator.


Crunchy, nutty, not too sweet granola
We use it on top of yogurt for breakfast and snack on it all day.  This version does not contain refined sugar and you can adjust the maple syrup and honey to fit your taste.  This makes a lot of granola, but the ingredients can be be lessened if you want to make a smaller batch.

yield: ~fills 2 gallon glass jar  prep time: ~1  hour 

½ cup honey
½  cup real maple syrup
2-3 TBSP Molasses
1/3 cup Almond Butter
1/3 cup coconut oil (May need more if seems dry when mixing)
2 tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg
1 tsp ginger—you can use more or less spice depending on taste
4-6 cups roasted nuts (I use a combination of pecans, cashews, and almonds)
1 large container of old fashioned oats
1 slightly beaten egg white
flaky salt, like Maldon

  1. Heat first eight ingredients in a small pan until almond butter and coconut oil are melted
  2. In a very large bowl, mix all the nuts and oatmeal.  Pour the wet ingredients over and mix until moist.  If it looks very dry, add small amounts of melted coconut oil and /or honey.
  3. Line two large, rimmed cookie sheets with parchment
  4. Press mixture into pans
  5. Brush tops with egg white
  6. Sprinkle a few pinches of Maldon salt over top

Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes.
You may have to turn pans…the bottom of the granola should be browned
Once the pan is cool enough, remove parchment and let granola cool.  It should be very crunchy.
When totally cool, break into chunks and store in a glass jar.  I don’t recommend storing in a ziplock bags because it will get soggy.

By Anne

Mix all the ingredients in a mason jar or cruet with a tight fitting lid.  The amount of vinegar and oil are dependent on the size of the jar (2/3 vinegar to 1/3 oil)

yield: ~size of jar  prep time: ~15 minutes

1/3 red wine vinegar
1/3 cider vinegar
1/3 extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 TBSP dried oregano
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1-2 TBSP Dijon mustard
1 tsp sugar (optional)
Mix all ingredients by shaking until emulsified.  Store in a cabinet, not refrigerator.

Join Me In The Kitchen's
Salsa Fresca (Pico de Gallo)

Delicious Salsa

Garden fresh ingredients

yield: ~1 quart  prep time: ~20 minutes

1 quart grape or cherry tomatoes
1/2 sweet onion (like Vidallia)
1 clove garlic
1 jalapeno pepper (or to taste)
1/2 red or orange bell pepper
1/2 poblano pepper (optional)
small bunch of fresh cilantro
juice of one lime
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper

  • Rough chop the vegetables
  • Add to food processor
  • Pulse until chopped up
  • Add cilantro, lime, and spices
  • Continue to pulse until everything is incorporated and the desired consistency
  • If it is too runny, strain out some of the juice with a fine mesh strainer.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Shrimp and Lobster Salad

Shrimp and Lobster Salad with Farro

On a hot summer night, there is nothing more delicious than a cold seafood salad with lots of bold flavors and textures.  This meal was for a special occasion so I used lobster and colossal shrimp but it works just as well with scallops, small shrimp, or squid.  I served it with rustic bread that was topped with olive oil, garlic powder, and grated Romano cheese then grilled until deep brown and crusty.

yield: ~4 generous servings  prep time: ~1  hour   difficulty: easy

  • 2 2 lb lobsters, steamed and taken out of the shell
  • 1 lb colossal shrimp, shelled, deveined and cooked
  • 3 small pickling cucumbers
  • 2 large ripe tomatoes
  • 1/2 red pepper, cut into strips
  • 1 bunch scallions, sliced
  • 2 avocado, peeled, pit removed, cut into large dice
  • 1 cup quick cooking Farro
  • 2 cups chicken stock
  • juice from 3 limes
  • fresh basil (I used a handful and roughly chopped it)
  • fresh mint and cilantro (I used about 10 mint leaves and several stems of cilantro)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 Tbs honey
  • 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • 3 Tbs feta cheese
  • sea salt and pepper

  1. Shell the shrimp and lobster and chill
  2. Make the farro according to directions on package--I cooked it in chicken stock.  Cool
  3. Peel and seed cukes and cut into large dice
  4. Cut tomatoes into wedges, then cut wedge in half
  5. Slice scallions up to dark green
  6. Cut peppers into strips
  7. Mix farro with cukes, scallions, peppers, and avocado
  8. Make lime vinaigrette (lime juice, olive oil, honey, basil, mint, cilantro, garlic powder, pepper flakes)
  9. Pour half dressing over farro/veggies.  Toss and arrange on large platter.
  10. Place tomatoes all around farro
  11. Heap seafood over the top
  12. Pour remaining dressing over everything
  13. Sprinkle with feta, top with additional basil.


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Shortcakes with Balsamic Marinated Berries

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Delicate cinnamon shortcakes with delicious sweet strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries

Nothing says summer more than a simple berry shortcake dessert.  This one is extra special because the shortcakes have 
cinnamon in the batter and the berries are enhanced with brown sugar and a splash of balsamic vinegar.  Enjoy this with
a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream (as pictured).

Yield: 8 servings      Prep time: 30 minutes to prep and chill, plus 15 minutes to bake  Difficulty: EASY

1 quart strawberries washed, stemmed, cut in half
1 pint raspberries
1 pint blueberries
1 Tbs Balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 Cups flour
1/4 Cup sugar + 8 tsp sugar for tops of shortcakes
1 Tbs baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
8 Tbs cold butter, cut into small cubes        
2/3 cup half and half + extra for brushing tops
1 tsp cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400 F
  • Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and cinnamon in large bowl
  • Add cubed butter and cut in until mixture is crumbly 
  • Add half and half and mix gently with a fork until it just comes together
  • Turn out on a floured surface and knead a few times to make a cohesive ball
  • Flatten into a disk and roll out to 1/2"-3/4" thickness cut with biscuit cutter

  • Space evenly on parchment lined baking sheet
  • Brush with a bit of cream and sprinkle with sugar
  • Chill for 20 minutes in the refrigerator
  • Bake for 12-15 minutes, until light golden brown
  • Cool on a wire rack
  • While shortcakes are baking, slice the berries and mix with balsamic vinegar and brown sugar. 

  • To assemble, split the shortcake and spoon berries and juice on the bottom.  
  • Top with whipped cream or ice cream.
  • Top with other half of shortcake and sprinkle with powdered sugar

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Frozen Vanilla Custard

Frozen Vanilla Custard

There is nothing better on a hot day than homemade frozen custard! Actually, it is fabulous on any day--hot or not.

Yield: 12 servings      Prep time: 30 minutes to prep, plus time to chill and freeze    Difficulty: EASY


4 cups whole milk (I use a combination of Cashew milk and 2% milk)

1/2 cup half and half
1 cup sugar
3 Tbsp cornstarch
1/8 tsp salt
4 large egg yolks
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 vanilla bean pod split and seeds scraped out plus 2 tsp vanilla extract OR 2 Tbsp vanilla


  • In a medium sauce pan heat milk on stove to 175 degrees Fahrenheit
  • In a separate bowl, whisk egg yolks until they are light in color
  • Add one cup of hot milk to eggs whisking the whole time (this tempers the yolks)
  • Add yolks to hot milk, stirring constantly
  • Add sugar, cornstarch. and salt
  • Scrape vanilla seeds into mixture.  Add pods as well during the cooking process
  • Whisk over medium-high heat until thick and mixture coats the back of a spoon--it should be 160 degrees F
  • Remove from heat and strain through a fine sieve into a large bowl.  This will remove any tiny bits of cooked egg
  • Add one can of sweetened condensed milk and vanilla extract
  • Carefully set bowl into a larger bowl filled with ice and water  
  • Cool in water bath until it is no longer warm, stir occasionally
  • Cover bowl of custard with plastic wrap and chill for 2 hours
  • Pour custard into ice cream maker--I use the ice cream maker attachment on my Kitchen Aide Mixer and it works beautifully
  • Pour into freezer containers
  • Enjoy!